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Approved by AICTE,
New Delhi
Affiliated to JNTU,

SVS Group of Institutions is a premier-league self financed Institution among the other Institutions in Warangal district, an established leader in the field of education over five decades. Founder Chairman, Dr. E. Thirmal Rao garu and Co-founder Vice Chairperson Dr. E. Suvarna garu nurtures Thirumala Educational society and offered their yeoman service to student community with dedication and commitment from the year 1986. As a result the institution has emerged as a hub of diversified courses for all the UG and PG course.
The Institution has implemented Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with effect from the AY 2016-17 with the JNTUH regulation R16. In the UG stream 6 programmes in B.TECH (Civil, CSE, CSE AI&ML, ECE, EEE, and Mechanical) with total sanctioned intake of 600 with effect from AY 2019-20 and B.Pharmacy with total sanctioned intake of 100 with effect from AY 2016-17. In the PG Stream M.Tech (CSE) with total sanctioned intake 30 with effect from AY 2018-19, M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics) with total sanctioned intake of 15with effect from AY 2018-19 and MBA with total sanctioned intake of 360 with effect from AY 2020-21 with an approval from AICTE & affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad in addition to various other courses.
The Institution is having planned Infrastructure in the area about 10.41 acres of land and build up area of _______________ with very good ambiance. It has separate blocks for the various departments. It has well planned class rooms, spacious seminar halls, state-of-the-art laboratories, computer centers, Library, staff rooms and rest rooms. Separate, hostel facilities all along with a huge mess hall for boys and girls. The campus is having the fire safety equipments and surveillance with security cameras and the total campus is guarded by number of securities.
Untiring, selfless and quality services of founders of SVS group of institutions brought many recognitions & laurels to the group. The Institution was established in the year 1986 and the technical campus is located in the prime area of the city with an eco-friendly environment having a pleasant atmosphere suitable for educational Institutions. The Institution has been developed in a rich tradition of excellence in technology-based education.
The Institutions is being affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, has been following almost all the guidelines issued by AICTE/UGC and the institution follows the regulation and curriculum as per the University . The curriculum and syllabus is being framed by Board of Studies (BOS), such as Foundation Courses, Core Courses, Elective Courses of both Open electives and Professional electives, Minor courses and Mandatory Courses. The curriculum incorporates cross cutting issues relevant to professional ethics, gender, human values, environment and sustainability across all branches of the various programs offered by the institution,
Every UG and PG programme is being planned as semester pattern. The Academic calendars are framed by the University to the affiliated colleges and the college academic calendar is framed on the guidelines issued by University. The syllabus is being framed as the outcome based education to achieve the attainment of the Program Outcomes (POs) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and the subject is being taught by the teachers who have specialized in the subject, for ≥90 hours as per the structure (lecture periods: tutorial periods: practical periods: credits). The Teachers handling each subject have well planned lesson plan, lab manuals and accordingly the course file need to be prepared and gets authentication by the academic committee and respective Head of the Department. And the students are also encouraged to participate in various technical programs. The students have to take the mandatory course, project work, field work and internship irrespective to their programme. The Institution has signed MOU’s with various relevant organizations for the courses to handle the project work, field work and internship trainings.
The Institution has the practice of established a structured feedback system taken from the various stakeholders for the betterment. And with the feedback which is collected as per the schedule are being reviewed with corrective and preventive measures mechanism for improvement that provide the opportunity to the students to become competent professionals by the completion of their program of study and excel in their career opportunities.
Each and every department is being encouraged for the research and development work, through their innovative ideas which is applied through research, product development, learning-resources development and industrial training. There is being a strong tendency towards inter-discipline research, especially in the emerging areas. The latest e-journals are kept in the library for the reference of the innovative ideas, and the students and faculty are encouraged to publish the research papers in reputed journals. The faculties are being encouraged to take the consultancy projects. The Institute has formed Research Coordinators Committee and an Industry Institute Interaction committee for promoting and directing Research and Consultancy. And MOU’s have been signed with various industry to develop the industrial interactions to the research works.
The Institution has a total land area of 10.41 Acres of land which is constructed with robust structures for various academic purposes. All the departments are fully equipped with the necessary infrastructure to meet the ever increasing requirements with adequate class rooms, seminar halls, tutorial rooms, laboratories for hosting all academic activities.Totally 47 classrooms with a total area of 3132.97 m2 , including 10 smart class rooms with ICT facilities, are well ventilated and well equipped with necessary furniture have been provided for facilitating effective teaching and learning process. Also 71 Laboratories covering all the specialization are well equipped with necessary machines, instruments etc have been provided for effective experiential learning including content beyond syllabus. The total area of 71 laboratories is 6606 m2. The college is also equipped with two workshops with all necessary equipment housed in an area of 410 m2. All statutory bodies namely the AICTE and JNTU Hyderabad have given zero deficiency report in respect of the infrastructure facilities during all the five assessment years.
Tutorial rooms:
21 Tutorial rooms with an area of 916.71 m2 are available in the institution to conduct tutorial classes.
Seminar Hall: The Institute has 4 seminar halls with the total area of 579.04 m2 with public addressing systems; LCD projectors, etc are available. Auditorium: A fully fledged auditorium that can house 4000 seats with an area of 457.56 m2 has been established.
Gymnasium: College has well equipped gymnasium for boys & girls with all modern equipment covering an area 200 m2
Indoor Games: Facilities for the indoor games like Chess, Carom, Table tennis etc. are provided to students in the college campus.
Outdoor Games: Tennis courts, Badminton courts volley ball court, Basket ball court cricket field encompassing a total area of 18600 m2 are available in the campus
Yoga Centre: For practicing yoga a spacious yoga hall of 5000 square feet is provided for the benefit of both students and faculty members. All necessary accessories like yoga mat are provided. A trained yoga master is available for teaching yoga.
The Institution provides facilities for students in terms of scholarships, capability enhancement and development schemes. The students are provided training for placements and higher education.
Institute provides required guidance and organize activities through different cells essential for meaningful experiences, accomplishment in academics, success in career, community and there by overall progression. Bridge courses and value added courses are arranged in relevant areas.
Remedial coaching provided for slow learners, students of telugu medium. Language lab helps in improving students’ communicative English.
T&P cell offers pre-placement guidance, career guidance, and arranges for soft skills training programmes. Through these programmes, students improve performance in prerequisite skills for employment such as resume preparation, group discussions, JAM and interviews.
Students take part in social, cultural activities, games and sports events and are encouraged to participate in intra murals, inter-collegiate, district and state level competitions.
Student Club activities to develop variety of skills and talents in both technical and non-technical activities. Career Guidance programs creates awareness on career opportunities in emerging fields. Students are motivated to take part in competitive exams such as GATE, CAT, GRE, and UPSC etc.
Remedial coaching, Career Counseling and Personal Counseling are given to the required students. Soft skills and Language Lab is also provided to the students to enhance the communication, comprehensive and aptitude skills.
The institution has a transparent mechanism to redress the issues like ragging cases and sexual harassment.
The Principal, Heads of the departments, teaching and non teaching staff along with student representatives together strive to foster the progress of institution by sharing the responsibilities and to act according to the aims and objectives of the Institution.
Every department would conduct departmental meetings to discuss and determine the additional academic courses to be designed on the emerging areas of different subjects of the course. The faculty members also would suggest various additional inputs to improve quality of the program further. All the three programs namely Engineering, Management and Pharmacy would prepare their calendar of events; identify the areas for arranging guest lectures, seminars, conferences and workshops. However the Principal will supervise the overall implementation of different academic, administrative activities. Every care is taken to make each and every teaching and non teaching members is involved in the decision making by providing a space for expressing the individual opinion for improving the quality of the institution further. The different departments prepare separate event calendars taking into consideration of the University Almanac. The departments design tailor-made progammes keepings the needs of their concerned department’s particular requirements.
Faculty participation in statutory and functional committees
S.V.S Group of Institutions has got more than 10 committees to ensure the smooth function of the institution. These committees are intended to work for academics/administration/cultural/social etc..
Faculty members are invariably a part of every student body in the institution whether it is a temporary one as a fest or one that is permanently required such as the committee. The institution takes care that there is an interconnection, a semiautonomous decentralization and integral participative management in the activities of various committees on campus.
Faculty members are given representation in various committees/cells nominated by the principal and the Governing body, and other committees. Regular meetings are organized by various functional committees and the minutes are forwarded to the Principal for ratification or approval Non-teaching staffs are also given the room for expressing their opinions and offering suggestions while framing policies or taking important decisions. Different sub-committees have been constituted to carry out the activities.
Gender equality is one of the key challenges facing society today. The institute conducts regular gender equity promotion programs. Guest speakers from prominent field are invited to speak on the given topic which highlights the importance and contribution of women in the society.
The gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution are given below:It observes highest ethical standards in all its activities. Equal opportunities are provided to all individuals irrespective of gender, race, caste, color, creed, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Safety, security and well-being, along with gender equity and friendly working atmosphere are the issues of prime concern to SVSGOI.
(a)Safety and Security
Well-trained and vigilant women security guards stationed across the campus.
Security checkpoints at all campus entries and exits.
Extensive surveillance network with 24x7 monitored control rooms.
Rotational duty by all faculty members for discipline and security.
The Proctorial Committee includes male and female proctors at the institute as well as faculty level.
Night Patrols by local community including students and teachers.
Formal and informal avenues for counselling male and female students and staff for academic and other issues/problems.
Mentee and mentor practice is done.
Common Rooms:
In most of the Departments, common rooms have been allocated for men and women, which also facilitate meetings and discussions.
Community outreach
As part of NSS activities, free educational camps are organized fortnightly in neighboring villages, which help transform rural women in building awareness about health, hygiene, importance of child education and provide a launching pad to induct them into vocational skilling.
Best practices
Art of living
Practice skill development program
The practices Semester Courses offered for AICTE recognized Colleges/Institutes
a) Semester / Industrial Training Programmes of 5-6 Months duration
b) Summer Training Programmes of 6-8 weeks duration
Institutional Strength
Commitment to total transparency in admissions and appointments
· Social Justice, commitment & Responsibility towards the education
· Commitment towards growth
· Service through knowledge delivery
· Excellence through Pursuit
· Discipline and Principles for the improvement of character formation
· Promoting for good technology person and citizen
Improvement over the Student –teacher relationship
· Faculty mobility
· Lack of usage of available facility by the student and faculty
· Maintenance towards cleanliness lack of manpower
Excellent campus for further improvements
· Accentuate a research activity
· Facilitate for new courses
· Through multi-disciplinary courses
· Skilled Manpower and human resources
· Job and Placement opportunity
Policy changes and up gradation
Additional Information
Our institution has got social responsibility and part of it, activity participating in Telangana Government is HARITHARAM has initiating for rising trees in neighboring villages. Mentor-mentee system, remedial coaching for slow learners, Additional activities for advanced learners facilitate the students to get motivated. Institution has outcome based education intiative. The institute is recognized by certified by ISO in the year 2022. More than 35% of the faculty are having Ph.D qualification. We have world class infrastructure and state of art laboratories. Institution is having Eco- friendly atmosphere for the entire campus. Our institute has adpoted the Choice based credit system and maintaining 1: 15 Faculty student ratio on average for the last five years, Add-on courses to fill the gap in the curriculum. Apart from, this institute has got strong academic and industry interface. Institution has got 7 patents 4 Funding research projects worth more than ------- Lakhs. Institution has conducting carona safety awareness programes for nearby villages and providng the corona safety kit during corona pandamic period. SVSGOI has got the State of the art Auditorium with 1500 capacity. Institution has provided transport facilty for all cornerers of the city. In addition to, this the college pay the amount towards students bus pass registration fee. Extension of infra structure where ever and when ever required as per the norms of local body.Institution is a ragging free campus and no instance of such offence till date. Institution celebrates the Local festivals like Batukamma as a sign of unity integrity.
SVS Group of Institutions with support from its visionary management, able administrators and dedicated staff has been on rapid growth trajectory in terms of quality and quantity since its inception in 2008. Institution has been marching with a rapid growth in all quadrants of academics, research and extra curricular activities with well defined Vision and Mission. The Governing Body, IQAC, Institution Academic Cell and various institute level committees play vital role in meeting the aspiration of all the stakeholders.
The institute has setup state of the art laboratories, well equipped class rooms, Seminar halls, Central Library, Digital Library, Computer centers, and other amenities with a built-up area of about 27,000 Sq.m. Apart from, this the institute has been leveraging ICT tools to its fullest to provide great learning experience and a transparent academic administration. The institute also has been continuously upgrading its facilities and infrastructure to respond to the changing pedagogic and research environments to stay relevant and be a role model for other organizations in this part of India.
The college embraced blended learning to the fullest extent in recent times. 98 percent of the students had connectivity therefore during the Pandemic lockdown, the teaching- learning process took place unhindered. In fact orientation programs, several useful workshops conducted during the Pandemic lockdown. Furthermore, examinations were also successfully conducted using the google meet tool..
The College was honoured by visits by several dignataries like Boinpally Vinod Kumar, Planning commission chairman, Telangana Govt, Tanneru Harish Rao Health Minister of Telangana Govt. Eetala Rajender Finance minister of Telangana Govt visited our campus in 2018. Telangana State Council Of Higher Education chairman, Prof R.Limbadri, Telangana State Council Of Higher Education chairman visited our campus in 2022. Commissioner of Police, Vice Chancellors from JNTUH & Kakatiya University and popular national level Scientists.
Apart from the academics the institute is keen in fulfilling the social responsibilities such as organizing health camps, blood donation, Green India as directed by government agencies conducted by NSS unit of the campus. In pursuit of excellence, SVSGOI looks forward to achieve more heights in the times ahead.